We believe in excellence.


A gift to the scholarship fund will ensure that all deserving students can receive dance training with Ballet Palm Beach Academy.

To contribute to our scholarships, mail check or money order made payable to:

Ballet Palm Beach
10357 Ironwood Road
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410


Ballet Palm Beach Academy is honored to receive scholarship funds in memory of former dance student Makayla Joy Sitton from the Makayla Joy Sitton Foundation. In November 2009, a six year old, Makayla had spent her last day rehearsing for her role as a “Mother Ginger’s Child” at the theater. She was a radiant, smart and talented little girl who is still deeply missed by the faculty and staff. These need based scholarships give local children the opportunity to receive dance instruction and perform in main stage performances.
Makayla Dancing


Ballet Palm Beach Academy is honored to receive scholarship funds in memory of former dance student Charlotte Carver, who passed away tragically in November 2020. Charlotte was well-loved by all teachers and students at Ballet Palm Beach Academy. Her light and love for those around her will continue to live on in the studio. In recognition of Charlotte’s excitement at receiving her first pair of pointe shoes, these scholarships are given to deserving young dancers who are at least 11 years of age and have begun pointe work.

Putting on a pair of pointe shoes

We believe in sweat and hardwork.

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